How A Brandnew
Computer Software Morphs Skinny
Pencil-Necked "Geeks" Into Heavily Muscles
Tanks In Mere Weeks
Instantly use the same
secrets having brought me 38 lbs. of muscle gain
and 11 lbs. of fat burning within 5 months while
reducing my workout time to less than 60 minutes
a week...
From: Oliver Wolter
Thursday, 11:17 a.m.
Dear friend,
If you exercise like most people
do, you fight for every gram of fat burning or muscle gain. Whether you've
wrestled with, supplements, diet plans or with the advice of magazines, you have
been disappointed.
Worse, with so much
"how to" information on the market, you can become paralyzed… and
extremely frustrated. If you understand something
about sports,
you know that you waste your time with every
further unsuccessful training day - that's
not the right way to reach your aim!
You don’t know me
I realize, but I hate to think you waste a further year of your life (and
probably hundreds of dollars) in trying to get a perfect body – only to
discover that your plan was flawed from the beginning. That’s why I’ve
created this Web page... to show you how
to reach with the
"bulletproof" techniques that I use – repeatedly – muscle gain and
fat burning
rates you ever dreamed of.
Over 41,000 athletes in more than 50 countries – including some professionals – already rely on me for the
latest, most potent up to date training information. Many who only wanted to lose
"a little bit fat" have doubled and tripled their fat burning with my nutritional
tricks alone.
You’re about to
discover the same bulletproof techniques that I use - and you will never
need on further supplements or similar. You also do not need to become a
training expert.
Look: If you like to get hold of hundreds of books and scientific reports and
are willing to study them, buying every conceivable Supplement at the market, to obtain minimal increases, spend a couple
of frustrating years (more), these information's are not very helpful for you.
However - If you want to build up
muscles and loose fat rapidly already with your next training unit, then here is the one and only way for...
Having Your
"Dream Body" Within A Few Weeks.
Take me as an example. I have tried much
longer than a decade to build up my dream body. I have studied innumerable books, scientific essays and also magazines,
every training unit and my complete diet plan I noted down. Mentioning unnecessarily, how much
money I spent to get all these supplements, books and videotapes.
But you can economize yourself this
time consuming learning process and your money. I have already invested the time and the money for you.
I will show you like you can duplicate my success
and how your body in maximum speed develops without the smallest uncertainty.
Some very important examples you
will learn:
how you build up muscles up to 312.5% faster with a
small change in the training plan
how you get your body in 20 minutes per week to this 63.8% more
fat to burn than one hour aerobic training daily
how you always exercise optimally
without wasting only one unit!
how to spend some holidays
without losing your form.
how you have the same success despite a stressful weekday and
just a little time.
with a tiny rearrangement of your diet
- how to burn 34.7% more fat.
how your training is a joy and not an expense becomes even if you drown in work.
how I built up 6.5 lbs of muscle mass within the first
how I made to dismantle 11.1 lbs
fat and has nevertheless won 4.5lbs of muscle mass within a month.
how I reduced my training effort around 72%
and have built up thus 28.7% more muscles.
how I made my performance for bench
within 8 weeks to increase 95 lbs.
Trust me; use the
bulletproof strategies I’m about to share – you’ve got nothing to lose –
and you’ll get the maximum success - the body you ever wanted! This is just the beginning.
still will learn much more..
To impart this complete knowledge, I could have written a book with over 1000 sides in small print.
But I am here to really help you. I want you to have guaranteed maximum success and not have to complete extensive
studies. You would get some points, but probably miss others. But
I want you to have just as much success as me at least!
For this reason I have developed X-Size for you.
X-Size comes with an eBook. But the eBook only delivers the background
knowledge to you because you get...
The Most
Successful Training Strategies On Earth Boiled Down Into A Step By Step Software
System That's Custom-Tailored For You!
Imagine all of your training units are accompanied by me as personal
I create a personal, individual training plan only for you. In addition, I advise you at the diet and all relevant
Exactly this does X-Size for you. I surely could
exercise you also personally.
If you would be lucky however to get training with me a single hour staff, costing the multiple of X-Size if it became you without wanting to mention concrete numbers
here. However, my schedule is already booked up for the next months
because of the high demand. But you don't need any personal training hours either.
X-Size offers this to you - exactly what
I personally do.
Actual Success Stories*
About "Ordinary" Fitness Athletes
"My body grows like crazy. I have already won 7 kg (15.5 lbs) of muscle mass within the first 4 weeks.
I also have lost some body fat, all my pants fit around the waist again!"[after 4 months]
"Believe it or not, I put on additional 19 kg (42 lbs) of pure
muscle. That means I put on 26kg (57.3 lbs) at all. Friends I didn't see
the last time, didn't recognize me at first. I really mutated from a
skinny guy to an athlete. I never believed that this is possible. But I
also see a downside at this, I had to buy a complete new wardrobe..."
Oldenburg, Germany
believe it. I always thought such successes would be reserved to these who maltreat himself in the
gym hours by
hours. However, my job permits me neither a strict diet nor daily training... I have had completely enough time
and lost easily 5 kg
(11 lbs) of
fat by ease ... ... I finally have had enough time for my family again! "
4 months] " stopped to progress weights. I don't want anymore
muscles, because I don't want to look like a Bodybuilder. My body looks
the way I always wanted it's time again to say thank you..."
Berlin, Germany
"...I would
like to thank you. After months of stagnation my body really exploded.
My performance for bench presses has increased of 90 kg
(198 lbs) on 115 kg (254 lbs) in this 3 weeks. I eat just like before, however lose fat around the hips...
I can hardly compose myself it!"
[after 4 months]
" bench press power further increased. Now I am able to bench
press right over 140kg (309 lbs)..."
Graz, Austria
“After reading
your book I couldn't expect to do the first training unit with X-Size.
. I only can say I am enthusiastic! After only 8 training units I have built up more than 5.4 kg
(11.9 lbs) of muscle mass and it can be foreseen no end...”
[after 4 months]"...from
time to time I read your Book again. It was very helpful for me,
especially the motivational parts. What should I tell you about my
training?! Since I started with X-Size I added a total of 22.3 kg of
muscle. But the strength gains were even I'm able to use
200lbs on the barbell curl..."
Zuerich, Switzerland
" biceps has become by 3.1 cm
(1 1/4 inches) thicker, at this I always thought to have a bad disposition...”
[after 4 months]"
upper arms now measuring 43.6 cm (17,2 inches). Starting at just 35.5 cm
(14 inches) after 3 years of training, that's just amazing..."
Munich, Germany
You have noticed it?...All my customers can explain and comprehend
their successes.
If I see many a other feedback to products just like "Your product is excellent", I
think for myself: "Do you really have improved and if yes: how much did
you improve?"
Summarized: only measurable documented successes prove the value of a product
. I have to admit all of them of the above mentioned results don't correspond to the average. I won't do any promises as: everybody can
200 lbs more approach this for bench pressures in half a year. I am sure you know:
such a hype is bogus.
However, what I can do is to tell you
that my best pupils obtain phenomenal results. Some of them have still clearly obtained progress better,
however, but don't want to inform the public about their successes. (some start at competitions and have fear of betraying
their competitors too much)
Expect To Be More
Successful Than You Ever Believed Possible
I was just talking about the
results of a few people. I am sure you have seen enough advertisements before
with some before and after pictures. They always show the best athletes they
ever had. But that's not the way I wanted X-Size to work. X-Size should do the
job for anyone. Of course there are always a few athletes growing like weed. But
I want to know what the average person is able to reach. So I started a
Customers Interview with my Users. I asked randomized selected Users who own
X-Size between 4 and 12 weeks. There were 375 Users who answered the questions.
Of these 375 users there were 270 (72%) people with average gains, 97 (25.9%) people with
extraordinary gains and 8 (2.1%) people with less than average gains.
But what means average
for X-Size?
It means over 7 pounds muscle gain after 4 weeks, over 12 pounds muscle gain
after 8 weeks and over 18 pounds after 12 weeks. Take a look at the graphic
below. To good to be true? It even comes better! None of them used either supplements or any
medications. That means X-Size got a success rate of over 97%!I don't know any Fitness or Bodybuilding product at any price, that can make
these claims. Do you?

This success rate belongs to the
predecessor version of X-Size, that has never been released in English. After
the last Customers Interview we contacted different customers to hear about
their wishes. We also contacted the athletes with lower than average gains and
tried to get out what the problem was. So we spend over 1800 hours in work to
refine X-Size to become even more powerful. We have collected the first data
with the actual version and it seems that the muscle gains have become better
than ever before.
Even Creatine got only a success
rate just slightly over 60%. But if you like your supplements and having
good success with them, you can take them on because...
X-Size Doesn't Bite
With Your Supplements.
X-Size is a training system with
nutritional advice. It makes just the best out of your workout. You don't need
any supplements for it to work like showed in the graphics above. But if you're
using supplements, that work fine for you, you can supercharge your success
in building muscle mass and getting ripped. X-Size works definitely with any
kind of supplement. But no supplement will ever work without a good training
Well you will probably now ask
yourself, "how does this work? - How does X-Size make such muscle gains in
such a short time". There are several tricks and techniques, that make it
happen, but the simplest trick overall is X-Size...
...Skyrockets Your
One of the major advantages of my
training system is, that it has AI (artificial intelligence) that reacts to your
feedback. Plateaus don't further exist for you. Due to this circumstance, your
strength increases very rapid especially on the basic movements like bench
press. I again asked my customers for a feedback on this point. So we took only
one point and this was the bench press power increases. 446 customers answered
this question and take a look at the graphic below. These were the average
strength gains for all 446 customers who answered the questions. We also had
customers who never practiced weight training before, stepping into the gym and
3 months later were able to bench press 315 lbs.
Of course there are limitations. You
cannot expect to have this extreme strength increases month after month, else
you would be able to bench press 1000 lbs in 3 years. There is always a
individual genetic limit. The closer you are to your genetic limit, the slower
will the strength develop. But the genetic limit is often far beyond what most
people expected before starting with my training system.

Use The Latest
Up-To-Date Technology
When X-Size was developed I asked
myself "What have I ever dreamed of ?". I remembered my beginning
years and my confusion with the training plans. Most time I wasn't sure if I am
doing everything in the right way. Every time some training plan didn't work
like predicted I thought it was my fault. So my training system should not only
be the best working, but also guarantee that anybody does make the right
decisions at the right time. A good training system cannot be static. If it
is static, it will work in the best case for 50% of all athletes.
But only in the beginning. After a
few weeks the training demands for the athletes differs. To know what you
personally need, the author of a training system really needs to be a soothsayer.
He can give you examples what you could do, but you don't know what is the right
decision. Even worse you don't know how long you should use the next plan.
That's the reason why the most successful training books only give you exercise
plans for about 6 weeks. Because for this short period of time it is possible to
create a training plan which works for over 40% of all athletes. So there was
only one possible solution for me - X-Size needs "a brain". I
put my whole knowledge about training in this peace
of software and put AI (artificial intelligence) in it to make the right
decisions at the right time. Only by this way, it was possible to have a
success rate of approximately 98%.
To summarize some main features of X-Size
for you:
A.I. (artificial intelligence)
The A.I. creates training plans optimized on you.
Every man isn't same and doesn't react to the same training plans identically.
The A.I. studies feedback from
you. Every time you had have finished the training and go to feed X-Size with the corresponding data, your next training plan is adapted.
Faults are avoided before they can happen at all.
Exact Handicaps - at the next training
you do not have to "guess" which weight you have to work
Repetitions, speed and breaks are also provided . Your success isn't
left to the chance.
Your diet handicaps are made due to the Feedbacks
.But no worry, it are small things which are adapted. But these small things will
give you the decisive lead in muscle building and fat burning.
Intuitive operation
You must make only the necessary petitions.
All other determines X-Size for you
Wizards help you to make your
petitions easier in addition. You will never have a doubt about
which data you must enter.
Individual target
You will decide about your aim.
You want more muscle mass or a washboard abs - whatever?
So always -- one click simply determines you for the direction!
You want to develop definite muscle groups particularly?
You determine which muscle groups should built up particularly fast with
only one mouse click.
Individual customization
You do not want or you are not
able to execute definite exercises? You decide which exercises you do
with X-Size.
You exercise at home where some exercises cannot
be executed,
or there are not all pieces of equipment or different pieces of equipment in your studio?
X-Size can be adapted to every training
You have individual needs
because of the weight increase?
The machines in your studio have mixed disks of kg or pound? You can use an individual scheme at
X-Size for every
Here is one screenshot of X-Size. It
is just a part of it - but it is an option to show you what I am talking about:

No need for brainstorming in any way
X-Size is a complete "no
brainer". The Software explains itself. In addition you read one time this very simply
eBook and you are already on the best way to build up muscles and to lose fat as
fast as possible.
I have economized this information for my special
trust me and are ready to invest in X-Size. The eBook can be purchased nowhere without
X-Size, therefore you are secured having the decisive
lead. Always! X-Size owns techniques which will
set your body in pace for dramatic muscle increases and fat burning from the first training
unit on. I have given you the key for the shortest way to
get the body you ever dreamed of, now it is your job to open the door
to walk along the way of the success...
The best news...
is: you can convert the advantages of
X-Size within a few minutes! The software and the eBook are immediately ready for you to
You imagine the following now:
You reach your aim of your dream body in half a year (or much earlier) with much less effort than you have
expected. Better: you know how to go on shaping your body and keep it forever just as you want to have
it!!! Think about all the time and money you invested to bring your body just a little step
further. I attached $ 97 for X-Size what presumable is only a fraction of your present invested money.
Think that's too much? Look at it
this way; you could easily waste 5-10 times that much money paying for
useless supplements, rubber gym machines, plastic ab gadgets and personal
trainers. Not to mention the time you invest?
UPDATE: you are lucky to read
this website just in time - so you can profit of this very special marketing
test: the price of $37 is valid till midnight on March 10, 2025. I do
this to discover whether the increase at sales compensates for my lower profit
margin. In any other case you have to pay the normal price of $ 97. So
expect to pay the normal price if you visit again after this date.
I know, this price
is much higher than some other books.. However, X-Size is clearly more
than just a book: a software which guarantees you do not make any mistakes. Only
X-Size gives you the decisive lead by the latest technology and the "know
how". $ 97
($ 37 until March 10, 2025)
is a lot of money for you, I
know. But I assure you: it is absolutely incredible how much time and money you
have wasted in the past! Ask yourself if you are really serious to reach your
aims finally.
If you want to accomplish your aims
seriously, If you are really serious to reach your aims, how much is it worth to be secured you do not waste a further year of your life?
What is it worth carry on with ineffective and risky techniques for certain to go that you don't waste hundreds of hours and also money with
that? With these techniques I worked out very exactly you will see results already in a few
days. Why should you risk a lot of time and money if you have techniques which I, my clients and some competition athletes have used to multiply their muscle gain and
fat burning in such a short time?
You can spend a lot of years to read books, to test your knowledge just like I did.
Only to discover: which methods work, which do
not? But isn't it pleasant to skip this phase of
study? If your answer is "yes", if you want to have the maximum success right now in every training unity
with a technology which guarantees to duplicate your muscle gains and fat burning, you can order
X-Size here and now.
NOTE: Product
available via electronic download only
System Requirements - Windows XP/Vista 32-bit/Vista 64-bit or Higher
Order the X-Size Sofware for only $37 now!
NOTE: The download information will be sent within 24 hours via email.
Use X-Size and multiply your successes
as soon as your next workout!

Oliver Wolter
P.S. After this point of reading a
typical offer, perhaps you think to yourself "Do I really
want to gamble $97 ($37)?".
The only thing I can tell you is that I want to help you because of I was much
too long in a very worse situation, I fought for every little step further very
hard.. If you don't use X-Size, you will waste a lot of time and money.
Chances are good that you will never reach your aim then.
P.P.S. Still not convinced that you
need X-Size? Let me give you one more reason why X-Size is
essential for anyone who serious about building up his body. If you are not
using X-Size, you're loosing muscles. You could multiplying your
gaining rates from now on. With every further training unit without X-Size
you're wasting your time. Remember, this offer is only valid until
March 10, 2025
P.P.P.S. You have No Risk
when you buy X-Size! If after trying it out for 60 days you are not
convinced this program is for you, simply let us know - and you'll receive a
complete, no-hassle refund of every red cent you paid... You have nothing to
lose and everything to gain.